Uses of Class

Uses of SparseVector in org.knowceans.mcl

Methods in org.knowceans.mcl that return SparseVector
 SparseVector SparseVector.copy()
          copy the contents of the sparse vector
 SparseVector SparseMatrix.getColum(int i)
          get a column of the sparse matrix (expensive).
 SparseVector SparseMatrix.normalise(double rowsum)
          normalise rows to rowsum
 SparseVector SparseMatrix.set(int i, SparseVector x)
          set the sparse vector at index i.
 SparseVector SparseMatrix.times(SparseVector v)
          immutable multiply this times the vector: A * x, i.e., rowwise.
 SparseVector SparseMatrix.vectorTimes(SparseVector v)
          immutable multiply the vector times this: x' * A, i.e., colwise.

Methods in org.knowceans.mcl with parameters of type SparseVector
 void SparseVector.add(SparseVector v)
          mutable add
 void SparseVector.hadamardProduct(SparseVector v)
          mutable Hadamard product (elementwise multiplication)
 SparseVector SparseMatrix.set(int i, SparseVector x)
          set the sparse vector at index i.
 double SparseVector.times(SparseVector v)
          immutable scalar product
 SparseVector SparseMatrix.times(SparseVector v)
          immutable multiply this times the vector: A * x, i.e., rowwise.
 SparseVector SparseMatrix.vectorTimes(SparseVector v)
          immutable multiply the vector times this: x' * A, i.e., colwise.

Constructors in org.knowceans.mcl with parameters of type SparseVector
SparseVector(SparseVector v)
          copy constructor