- G. Heinrich, A generic approach to topic models and its application to virtual communities, PhD thesis, University of Leipzig, 288 pages, 2012 [Defense slides PDF (translated to English), German summary PDF, Thesis PDF on request].
- G. Heinrich, Typology of mixed-membership models: Towards a design method, Proc. ECML/PKDD, Springer, Sept. 2011.
- G. Heinrich, F. Logemann, V. Hahn, C. Jung, G. Figueiredo, W. Luk. Audio array processing for telepresence. In: K. Bertels et al. (eds.), HW/SW co-design for heterogeneous multi-core platforms: The hArtes toolchain, Springer, 2011 (in press), pp. 173-207.
- G. Heinrich, "Infinite LDA" Implementing the HDP with minimum code complexity, Technical note, TN2011/1, 18 February 2011 [PDF].
- G. Heinrich, Parameter estimation for text analysis, Technical report, Fraunhofer IGD, 15 September 2009 [PDF].
- G. Heinrich and M. Goesele, Variational Bayes for generic topic models, Proc. 32nd Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence, September 2009 [Preprint PDF, original at Springer, Slides PD F].
- G. Heinrich, A generic approach to topic models, Proc. ECML/PKDD, September 2009 [PDF, original at Springer, Example code].
- G. Heinrich, Collapsed inference for latent Dirichlet allocation: Variational Bayes as ``deterministic Gibbs sampling''?, Technical report, Fraunhofer IGD, December 2008.
- G. Heinrich, M. Leitner, F. Logemann, C. Jung, V. Hahn, A platform for audiovisual telepresence using model- and data-based wave-field synthesis, Proc. 125th Convention of the AES, San Francisco, 2008 [Preprint PDF].
- H. Witschel, F. Holz, G. Heinrich, S. Teresniak, An Evaluation Measure for Distributed Information Retrieval Systems, Proc. 30th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR), Edinburgh, 2008.
- G. Heinrich, Actorsmediaqualities: a generic model for information retrieval in virtual communities, Proc. 7th International Workshop on Innovative Internet Community Systems, (in press), 2007 [Preprint PDF].
- G. Heinrich, T. Keim, C. Jung, U. Krafzig and S. Noll., Smart collaboration networks a toolkit and a vision for creating and predicting trusted partnership, Proc. eChallenges 2005, Ljubljana, Slovenia [Preprint PDF].
- T. Keim, J. Malinowski, G. Heinrich, O. Wendt, Personalizing the Search for Persons: A Recommender-based Approach, Proc. The First International Workshop on Web Personalization, Recommender Systems and Intelligent User Interfaces, 2005, Reading, UK.
- G. Heinrich, J. Kindermann, C. Lauth, G. Paaß, J.Sanchez-Monzon, Investigating word correlation at different scopes a latent topic approach, Proc. Learning and Extending Lexical Ontologies at International Conference on Machine Learning, Bonn, Germany, June 2005 [Preprint PDF].
- G. Heinrich, Speech identification using a sequence-based heuristic Proc. 47th International Symposium ELMAR-2005 focused on Multimedia Systems and Applications, Zadar, Croatia, March 2005 [Preprint PDF].
- G. Heinrich, Reinforcement focus+context Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence 3iA, Limoges, France, March 2005.
- G. Heinrich, Teamarbeit nach
Mass Expertisemanagement in Organisationsnetzwerken
In: Weisbecker, A.; Renner, T. & Noll, S. (ed.): Electronic Business -- Innovationen, Anwendungen und Technologien, Fraunhofer IRB-Verlag, 2004, 52-59. - G. Heinrich, U. Krafzig & S. Noll, Opal Online Partnership Lens: A social browser for the networked enterprise, Computer Graphics Topics, Summer 2003.
- G. Heinrich, Virtual Music Towards the Internet Concert Hall, Internet Life, Darmstadt, 2002 [Preprint PDF].