Uses of Class

Uses of SparseMatrix in org.knowceans.mcl

Methods in org.knowceans.mcl that return SparseMatrix
 SparseMatrix SparseMatrix.copy()
          copy the matrix and its elements
 SparseMatrix MarkovClustering.expand(SparseMatrix m)
          expand stochastic quadratic matrix by sqaring it with itself: result = m * m.
static SparseMatrix MatrixLoader.loadSparse(java.lang.String file)
          read a graph with line format labelfrom labelto weight
 SparseMatrix SparseMatrix.matrixTimes(SparseMatrix m)
          immutable multiply matrix M with this (A) : M * A
 SparseMatrix a, double maxResidual, double pGamma, double loopGain, double maxZero)
          run the MCL process.
 SparseMatrix SparseMatrix.times(SparseMatrix m)
          immutable multiply this matrix (A) with M : A * M
 SparseMatrix SparseMatrix.timesTransposed(SparseMatrix m)
          mutable multiply this matrix (A) with M : A * M'
 SparseMatrix SparseMatrix.transpose()
          immutable transpose.

Methods in org.knowceans.mcl with parameters of type SparseMatrix
private  void MarkovClustering.addLoops(SparseMatrix a, double loopGain)
          add loops with specific energy, which corresponds to adding loopGain to the diagonal elements.
 SparseMatrix MarkovClustering.expand(SparseMatrix m)
          expand stochastic quadratic matrix by sqaring it with itself: result = m * m.
 void SparseMatrix.hadamardProduct(SparseMatrix m)
          mutable Hadamard product
 double MarkovClustering.inflate(SparseMatrix m, double p, double zeromax)
          inflate stochastic matrix by Hadamard (elementwise) exponentiation, pruning and normalisation : result = Gamma ( m, p ) = normalise ( prune ( m .^ p ) ).
 SparseMatrix SparseMatrix.matrixTimes(SparseMatrix m)
          immutable multiply matrix M with this (A) : M * A
private static void MarkovClustering.print(SparseMatrix a, java.lang.String label)
 SparseMatrix a, double maxResidual, double pGamma, double loopGain, double maxZero)
          run the MCL process.
 SparseMatrix SparseMatrix.times(SparseMatrix m)
          immutable multiply this matrix (A) with M : A * M
 SparseMatrix SparseMatrix.timesTransposed(SparseMatrix m)
          mutable multiply this matrix (A) with M : A * M'

Constructors in org.knowceans.mcl with parameters of type SparseMatrix
SparseMatrix(SparseMatrix matrix)
          copy contructor