Implementations of Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) and Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes (HDP) @author Gregor Heinrich, gregor :: arbylon : net @version 0.96 @date 1 Mar 2011 - History: ILDA version 0.1: May 2008, LDA version 0.1: Feb. 2005, based on - Simple implementations of Gibbs sampling for LDA and HDP - Scientific documentation: see texts lda.pdf and ilda.pdf - Technical documentation: see Javadoc and source (packages *.corpus and *.utils are from knowceans-tools on SourceForge) - Data documentation: see nips/readme.txt including source references - License: All code is licensed under GPL v3.0. - If the code is used in scientific work, please refer to its source via the URL: or the documentation of the ILDA or LDA implementations: G. Heinrich. "Infinite LDA" -- implementing the HDP with minimum code complexity. TN2011/1,, 2011 G. Heinrich. Parameter estimation for text analysis. Technical report, No. 09RP008-FIGD, Fraunhofer IGD, 2009 TODO: - Diverse checks, e.g., Antoniak distribution sampling, hyperparameter estimators, general quantitative validation of HDP model - Output formatting - Visual matrix implementation for HDP / IldaGibbs