Package org.knowceans.corpus.parsers.nips

Class Summary
AuthorData AuthorData collects author data from the NIPS bibtex entries
LatexDiacritics LatexDiacritics represents common LaTeX diacritical transformations
NipsAtm NipsAll is a metadriver for topic extraction of the NIPS data set.
NipsDocument NipsDocument
NipsDownload Saves a defined set of URLs to disk.
NipsExtractor NipsExtractor uses the XML and BIB files downloaded by NipsDownload to extract abstracts and content of the papers and convert them to an SVMlight-like corpus file.
NipsLda NipsAll is a metadriver for topic extraction of the NIPS data set.
NipsXmlReader NipsXmlReader parsers one XML file converted from NIPS PDF documents using XPDF-basd pdftohtml