Package org.knowceans.corpus

Interface Summary
ICategories ICategories handles category names and ids defined for corpus documents
IRandomAccessTermCorpus IRandomAccessCorpus provides term corpus functionality that allows direct access to all fields in the corpus, i.e., the complete lists / map of indices can be read.
IRandomAccessTermCorpusFiltered IRandomAccessTermCorpusFiltered is an interface for corpora to provide information on filtered terms with random access functionality.
ITermCorpus ITermCorpus is the interface of a term corpus that provides lookup functionality for terms and documents (from id to matrix index) as well as access to term and word vectors of the corpus.
ITermCorpusFiltered IFilteredCorpus is an interface for corpora to provide information on filtered terms.

Class Summary
ADocument ADocument is an abstract document, which can be subclassed to reflect special features of a corpus.
AmqCorpus ActorMediaCorpus implements an AMQ corpus, i.e., a document corpus with added functionality for authors and queriers.
LuceneCorpus LuceneTermCorpus creates a TermCorpus interface around a lucene index.
LuceneMapCorpus LuceneTermCorpus creates a TermCorpus interface around a lucene index.
NoCategories NoCategories empty categories class as dummy.
TermCorpus TermCorpusCps collects terms from different documents and creates a corpus from them with a one-to-one term <-> id assignment.
TermCorpusOld Deprecated. use TermCorpusCps, which has faster list implementations and provides interface definitions.